Learning Italian with Borgolingua artistic itinerary

There are unlimited little realities scattered on the Italian territory, in the form of towns and villages that have kept untouched their history during the centuries. One of these is Sermoneta, borough in Latina district, where it’s still alive and recognizable the artistic and historical medieval plant. It’s in this environment that it’s born and developed Borgolingua, cultural institution of language formation that, located in Sermoneta, gives the chance to learn Italian language through cultural experiences and paths among the historical-artistic and naturalistic beauties of the Lazio Region. Language courses, cultural weekends, itinerant lessons and workshops are the vehicle to discover the Italian in a new and participatory way. In particular, last May, Sermoneta was the location of IL SEGNO – International Campus of Arts dedicated to the Ancient Drawing techniques, organized by Borgolingua in cooperation with the Accademia delle Belle Arti of Rome, perfect for the Accademia attendants and for all the art lovers, both Italians and foreigners. Four days of full immersion between ancient art techniques, art history and a beautiful village that’s still so strongly medieval: the deconsecrated Church of San Michele Arcangelo – built in the XII century on the ruins of a pagan temple, with a structure and unique frescos that mark the continuous changes happened till the ‘700 – hosted the lessons “Still-life drawing: history, critics and sources” of Prof. Marco Nocca and “Still-life drawing: techniques and tools – structure and pigmentation of the canvas” of Prof. Pier Luigi Berto, in the workshop first two days. Always here occurred the meeting-lesson with the cartoonist Mario Natangelo (Il Fatto Quotidiano) who has opened a reflection about the art meaning as a communication tool and about the simplification of the sign implemented in the comic strip, highlighting the need of immediacy of the social and political satire.
On the second day, the visit to the medieval ruins of Giardino di Ninfa, not far from Sermoneta, was followed by the practical lesson “The fusion of metals for still-life drawing” by Prof. M. Traini, where the participants could actively realize castings with cuttlefish bones, lead and tin. And also, the language tutorial “Words in drawing”, along the village streets, was followed by the laboratory of figure drawing in the courtyard and inside the rooms of the stunning medieval Caetani Castle: Dr. Sketchy’s models posed wearing ancient style clothes, an event inside the event realized in cooperation with the Scuola Libera del Nudo and the Anti Art School of Rome. The last day, has seen the preparation for the final exhibition of the course participants’ works, led by Prof. Carlo Bozzo in the lesson “Setting-up and the space tale”.


Sermoneta and Ninfa will host the Campus Internazionale d’Arte again with two dates: the first one from the 23rd to the 24th of September, dedicated to the ancient techniques of alive drawing with prof. Pierluigi Berto and prof. Marco Nocca of Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome; the second date, from 30th of September to the 2nd of October, focused on the affresco technique, which will be faced in all its phases from the sketch project to the wall setting-up and the dusting making, till the fresco realization, with the teachers Sabina Bernard and Marco Ungaro of Università Roma 3.

The international Campus of art is promoted by Borgolingua, cultural enterprise and institution of language formation in Sermoneta, sponsored by the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome, Conervatorio Respighi of Latina, Fondazione Roffredo Caetani and Borough of Sermoneta.

Info and bookings: – Tel. 3204126079 – 3341004351


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