Francesca Attiani

Nowadays, in 2016, people’s lives depend entirely on the country they live in and its quality of life indicators. Even though we live in a hi-tech and social century – reaching the dreamlike extreme that these words now suggests – our individuality is experiencing an eclipse of the outside world. In a nutshell, in our modern society, debates and discussions seem to be dispensable. The legitimacy of a person’s own idea, empowered by the solitary growing experience, from school to work, led to the unconscious certainty that the group doesn’t exist, the community doesn’t exist. The individual is there, along with the popularity level accorded to him.

The Italian generation of people between the age of 20 and 35 assimilated from their parents the importance given to being cunning in social climbing and being wary. It is a generation which learnt hostility. However, this doesn’t mean that these young people – who are too young to take decisions but too old to work – are bad people. They simply do not know the result of a combination of many elements, but they easily get their own contributing factor. They don’t perceive the injustice towards the other anymore, they don’t feel rage or indignation before an abuse of power. Our multi-media society taught them how to let news and words flow away without keeping them.